I just wanted to continue the long names of musicians who have played with BJ in my time:
Henry Hung-tptDarren Johnston-tptChris Clarke- tptJoel Ryan-tptMike Olmos-tptGeechi Taylor-tpt and drumsDayna Stephens-sax and bassPat Miller-saxEvan Francis-sawGabe Eaton-saxMarcus Stephens-saxHoward Riley-sax and drumsSameer Gupta-drumsDarrell Green- drumsJameo Brown-drumsMyron Cohen-drumsJimmy Ryan-drumsAlcide MarshallDavid Ewell-bassAttila Mevdevsky- bassRob Porter-bassLorenzo Farrell-bassLucas Vassily-bassJean Repetto-bass/guitar
I'm probably forgetting a ton of other musicians-but sheesh, BJ played with everyone, and we're all the better because of it.
My favorite quote from BJ (right before we would start he would say), "It's time to put the pots on.....we're going to do some cookin'!"