
Jazz Police
sf station
Thu Jul 27, 2006 BJ Papa BandPure bebop all the way! |
Location | Date and Time |
256 Columbus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 map cross street: Broadway district: North Beach/Telegraph Hill | Thu Jul 27, 2006 (8:00 & 10:00) - Doors open at 7:30 |
Description BJ Papa BandRecently honored with a North Beach lifetime achievement award, BJ Papa has mentored hundreds of young jazz muscians including vocalist Kim Nalley. Pianist/composer BJ Papa is a man who has "paid his dues," playing in San Francisco jazz clubs on both sides of Market Street and in North Beach for years. His first CD features a quintet of hard-blowing young players who interpret BJ’s original tunes with great gusto and straight-ahead playing. Pure bebop all the way! Papa's popular jam sessions are regularly attended by some of the Bay Area's best young jazz players. This is a chance to see young talent mixing it up with jazz veterans, with plenty of great music made, all night long. |
SF Gate Loves BJ
Influential jazz pianist BJ Papa dies in S.F.
Jesse Hamlin, Chronicle Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A musical tribute will be held Sept. 28 for BJ Papa, a San Francisco jazz pianist who hosted jam sessions around town for decades and nurtured many young musicians who passed through them.
His given name was William Jackson and he died of liver disease Aug. 31 at his North Beach home. He was 72.
"There are many of us that graduated from the University of BJ," said singer Kim Nalley, who honed her craft and expanded her repertoire under his tutelage. "We never paid tuition, but we received the best jazz education that can be had, on the bandstand and at the jam session."
Nalley, who played with him at the Wild West in Bernal Heights, Cafe Du Nord and numerous other spots, hired the pianist to run the Sunday night jam session at Jazz at Pearl's when she took over the now-closed North Beach club several years ago.
It was one in a long list of joints where BJ Papa presided over the informal sessions where jazz musicians have traditionally cut their teeth. A bebopper whose spare, rhythmic style was shaped by his love of Thelonious Monk, he performed at countless clubs, bars and cafes in North Beach and other San Francisco neighborhoods, among them Mission Rock, Tropical Haight, Soulville, the Streets of Paris and Cafe Prague. Saxophonists John Handy and Bishop Norman Williams were among the artists who played with BJ Papa, a genial man who could often be found sipping red wine at Caffe Trieste.
"He opened the door for a lot of musicians," said bassist-composer Marcus Shelby, who began jamming with him at the Gathering Cafe on upper Grant Avenue when he moved to town in 1996. That's where Shelby met a lot of the musicians who play in his various bands. "He was such a loving cat," Shelby added. "Everybody came to him first."
Born in Mobile, Ala., he learned music from his mother, a professional pianist. As an Army medic in the mid-1950s, he was stationed in San Francisco at Letterman General Hospital in the Presidio. He got the jazz bug listening to bands at the noncommissioned officers' club, and began taking saxophone lessons after leaving the service. (He told Nalley he switched from saxophone to piano because he couldn't afford to get his horn out of hock and there was always a piano around). He heard Charlie Parker, Dexter Gordon and other stars in late-night sessions at the fabled Jimbo's Bop City in the Fillmore district.
"Dewey Redman, John Handy, Frank Butler and a lot of others, they all helped me," BJ Papa told writer Jerry Karp in 2005, two years after the Upper Grant Avenue Art Fair Association honored him for his contribution to the music scene and the culture of North Beach.
Some of the musicians he helped, including Nalley, bassist David Ewell and trumpeter Henry Hung, will honor him from 2 to 8 p.m. on Sept. 28 at Mojito, 1337 Grant Ave., San Francisco. It's free to the public.
For more information, go to www.bjpapajazz.blogspot.com.
E-mail Jesse Hamlin at jhamlin@sfchronicle.com.
This article appeared on page B - 5 of the San Francisco Chronicle
BJ Papa NBJF 2007 North beach Jazz festival at cafe trieste
sf examiner
"Everyone loves BJ"
PEACESeptember 9, 9:53 AM
Caffe Trieste
601 vallejo St.
Sunday, 9/21/2008, 5:00p.m.September 8, 10:03 PM
Official memorial for BJ--SEPT 28TH 2:00PM AT MOJITOS Grant ave.--North Beach!
A review of one of Papa's recent gigs:
http://www. jazzpolice. com/content/view/7820/72/September 3, 5:33 PM
Sarah Manning
Alto Saxophonist/Composer

It was a special time for us, in San Francisco for our daughter and son in law and awaiting the birth of our first grandchild. Things were slow, so I had gone out alone to look for some jazz.
I liked their jazz, bought the BJ’s World CD, and settled down to listen. At the interval I got talking with BJ. He is such a friendly guy, that the evening didn’t end before we had plans to meet again at their next gig and I had invited him to stay with us when he visited UK on a holiday that he and Mary Helene had planned that autumn. That was the beginning of an adventure in friendship that has spanned those years. It somehow seemed appropriate to me when Sophia was born a few days later, on 29th August – Charlie Parker’s birthday!
The chaos and fear generated just a week or so later on September 11th 2001, caused BJ and Mary Helene to delay their European holiday until 2002. So we were delighted when they came, and agreed to stay with us; friendship needs courage to accept it is real, and worthwhile to make it happen. Their visit to us influenced my friendship towards others, and so I shall always be grateful for BJ’s “Yes” to us.
Who has played with BJ? I am proud to say I have even though it was only one time! Also the following Brits from the local jazz scene a few miles north of London all have. This was at a jazz party in my home in October 2002: Brian Benton - tenor sax, George Howe – alto sax, Eric Darlow – trombone, Doug Start - bass (also sadly deceased this year), and me on guitar. We enjoyed BJ leading us through his favourites in the Real Book. He was a great encouragement, and we played a lot before and after the party. Meanwhile the ladies talked for the nation, and friendship flourished.
It was a great visit in which we discovered so much about each others’ views of life politics and the world at large - and jazz!
It is a pleasure and a privilege to have had BJ as a friend, a joy to know how much he has encouraged so many musicians.
It has been comforting to read so many warm tributes to BJ, and add mid to them. I attach a photo of him playing as I met him, at Le Joulin Restaurant with Bishop Norman Williams, and Jean Repetto.
Scott Chapek
Just want to let all of BJ's friends and fans know that we had a great gig at the West Portal Library Tuesday June 24, 2008. The children's room was jumping, and the children were too. One little boy (5 years old) could not be still for long.
There was BJ on his keyboard, Bishu on bass, Jimmy Ryan on drums and myself (Dorothy Lefkovits) vocalizing. It took me all these years to learn about library gigs. So-o-o glad BJ consented to do this one. The librarians enjoyed it and photographed it even more than the West Portal Ave. patrons.
Thanks for being there, BJ.
Dorothy Lefkovits dlefk@yahoo.com

I will miss you BJ and always cherish the wisdom, kindness, wit & spirit you generously shared.
My friend BJ PAPA…A true artist, a universal humanitarian and always a consummate gentleman, I will miss you always…
Aloha my friend & may your spirit dance on the wind, blow thru fields of wildflowers & sit in with any band in the cosmos!!!
2002 Brithday

I was inspired by Doug's post about BJ's wonderful cooking to dig out this photo I took in 2002.
Scott Chapek and I picked BJ up in North Beach and drove him to his B-day party at a friend's
house in the Richmond District. Sorry I don't recall the friends' name. Anyway, I love the warm
expression on his face as it fits Doug's description of BJ liking to see his friends satisfied. I'm
going to miss that warm smile, the hugs, the chili, the B-day bash and the music.
Roni inor@earthlink.net
Photos From Jazz at Pearls

from Michael Pitre knuckleboogie@yahoo.com
music from the Gathering Cafe
When Bill Jackson was off the Bandstand
BJ had a brother that I met in the seventies at one of our Birthday Party’s. BJ was a father. He had one son I knew of that was born in the early eighties that grew up in LA.
BJ loved cooking for his friends. Every year I would take him shopping for our Birthday feast. His famous bean dishes (Meat and vegetarian). We would go to Rainbow for the spices, the Mission for the vegetables and Divsadero and Hayes for the meat. BJ didn’t eat pork. He would soak the beans the night before and labor the next day cutting the makings for his finest dish. BJ would end up with two big pots full of the most delicious meal, one vegetarian and one meat. I would wonder how it would all be eaten but every year when BJ served up these dishes, his friends would devour the BJ special blend.
This event was very important to BJ. To see his friends satisfied was one of the joy’s BJ truly enjoyed. Serving came natural. BJ always made people feel their worth was appreciated.
I have know BJ for almost the last half of his life (34 years) and durning that time the healthiest relationship he had was with Marie Helene. BJ’s health and well being improved when he met Marie Helene. That probably gave him many satisfying years of living that he wouldn‘t have experienced if it wasn‘t for Marie Helene.
I love you BJ and you will always be in my memories.
Doug O’Connor / birthday brother
Influential jazz pianist BJ Papa dies in S.F.
Jesse Hamlin, Chronicle Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A musical tribute will be held Sept. 28 for BJ Papa, a San Francisco jazz pianist who hosted jam sessions around town for decades and nurtured many young musicians who passed through them.
His given name was William Jackson and he died of liver disease Aug. 31 at his North Beach home. He was 72.
"There are many of us that graduated from the University of BJ," said singer Kim Nalley, who honed her craft and expanded her repertoire under his tutelage. "We never paid tuition, but we received the best jazz education that can be had, on the bandstand and at the jam session."
Nalley, who played with him at the Wild West in Bernal Heights, Cafe Du Nord and numerous other spots, hired the pianist to run the Sunday night jam session at Jazz at Pearl's when she took over the now-closed North Beach club several years ago.
It was one in a long list of joints where BJ Papa presided over the informal sessions where jazz musicians have traditionally cut their teeth. A bebopper whose spare, rhythmic style was shaped by his love of Thelonious Monk, he performed at countless clubs, bars and cafes in North Beach and other San Francisco neighborhoods, among them Mission Rock, Tropical Haight, Soulville, the Streets of Paris and Cafe Prague. Saxophonists John Handy and Bishop Norman Williams were among the artists who played with BJ Papa, a genial man who could often be found sipping red wine at Caffe Trieste.
"He opened the door for a lot of musicians," said bassist-composer Marcus Shelby, who began jamming with him at the Gathering Cafe on upper Grant Avenue when he moved to town in 1996. That's where Shelby met a lot of the musicians who play in his various bands. "He was such a loving cat," Shelby added. "Everybody came to him first."
Born in Mobile, Ala., he learned music from his mother, a professional pianist. As an Army medic in the mid-1950s, he was stationed in San Francisco at Letterman General Hospital in the Presidio. He got the jazz bug listening to bands at the noncommissioned officers' club, and began taking saxophone lessons after leaving the service. (He told Nalley he switched from saxophone to piano because he couldn't afford to get his horn out of hock and there was always a piano around). He heard Charlie Parker, Dexter Gordon and other stars in late-night sessions at the fabled Jimbo's Bop City in the Fillmore district.
"Dewey Redman, John Handy, Frank Butler and a lot of others, they all helped me," BJ Papa told writer Jerry Karp in 2005, two years after the Upper Grant Avenue Art Fair Association honored him for his contribution to the music scene and the culture of North Beach.
Some of the musicians he helped, including Nalley, bassist David Ewell and trumpeter Henry Hung, will honor him from 2 to 8 p.m. on Sept. 28 at Mojito, 1337 Grant Ave., San Francisco. It's free to the public.
For more information, go to www.bjpapajazz.blogspot.com.
E-mail Jesse Hamlin at jhamlin@sfchronicle.com.
This article appeared on page B - 5 of the San Francisco Chronicle
from Henry Hung - Trumpet
Henry Hung-tptDarren Johnston-tptChris Clarke- tptJoel Ryan-tptMike Olmos-tptGeechi Taylor-tpt and drumsDayna Stephens-sax and bassPat Miller-saxEvan Francis-sawGabe Eaton-saxMarcus Stephens-saxHoward Riley-sax and drumsSameer Gupta-drumsDarrell Green- drumsJameo Brown-drumsMyron Cohen-drumsJimmy Ryan-drumsAlcide MarshallDavid Ewell-bassAttila Mevdevsky- bassRob Porter-bassLorenzo Farrell-bassLucas Vassily-bassJean Repetto-bass/guitar
I'm probably forgetting a ton of other musicians-but sheesh, BJ played with everyone, and we're all the better because of it.
My favorite quote from BJ (right before we would start he would say), "It's time to put the pots on.....we're going to do some cookin'!"
always in my thoughts
The conversation that moved me the most thought, was the one we had about Paris. You see, I was having a showing there, but could not go. BJ was filling my head about his time in Paris and related to me the sounds and sights and energy, so much so, that I felt I was transported there. His face lit and hands danced while revealing to me his moments.
During this conversation, I felt alright with my decision to not go, because I realized that SF was my Paris and that BJ was my Parisian. Here was this great musical person expanding my world... bringing the paris mind-frame right here, everywhere he went.
Kim Nalley on BJ Papa
After I was turned down for a gig at Pasands lounge because my repertoire was not large enough, I met BJ. I had placed a handwritten ad on Haight-Ashbury Music Center's bulletin board (pre-internet) looking for a jazz pianist to jam tunes from the Real Book with. He answered my ad, and arranged to meet in front of the music store. I awaited him in front of the music store shocked and pleasantly surprised to see an older gentleman that seemed to personify jazz itself introduce himself to me. He often spoke of this moment, saying that he saw me long before I saw him and that he could see in my eyes that hunger and spark. I was eighteen years old. We met every week on Saturday at noon at his apartment on Shotwell Street a broken-down creaky magnificent Victorian of single resident rooms and play tunes all afternoon and at time well into the evening on his piano in the foyer.. BJ would glance at the Real Book, but only to jog his memory to where the bridge went; I was the only one reading out of the Real Book. For him finding a singer that could sight sing was unusual and for me finding a pianist that knew many of these tunes from when they first burst onto the scene was spectacular. The train wrecks that often occur at the endings of tunes never occurred with BJ, he knew how to start tunes and how to end them and switching keys was no problem and the wrong chord changes in the Real Book were not an issue because BJ didn't really use them. At times we were joined by a sax player, such as Tony Gairo, or a bassist would show up such as Scott Chapek, but most times it was BJ and I. Sometimes he would glance at a tune and shake his head and say you are not old enough for that tune. I would protest and insist that I could sing it "Lush Life" and he would relent. I learned these tunes with BJ not through recordings, I would not hear Johnny Hartmann or Sarah or Dinah's version of the songs that I sang for many many years. In this way BJ is instrumental in developing my sound and my voice.
After a few months he started showing me around to the jam sessions, the first one was Bruno Pelletier's at the Wild West in Bernal Heights. "First you are gonna do a ballad because you're a vocalist and that is what you do, that is your special domain. Your going call the tune in C minor and that isn't you're key but you're gonna do it in C minor because that is the key that cats know it in and if that play it well you are going sound better. If you nail that tune they will ask you to sing another, you're a vocalist so you're only gonna get two tune at the most so don't fuck up and you'll get a second tune. then you are gonna do blues and call a key that is good for the horn players like Bb or Eb and do some of that scatting that you do and you will bring the house down and then leave the stage. always leave them wanting more," these are the fundamental lessons of jazz that BJ would whisper into my ear. How to count out a tune. How to pace a set. How to handle musicians that didn't like chick singers. These were the invaluable tools of the trade that BJ handed me.
One day he announced it was time for us to get a gig. He told me that with a vocalist, especially one like me, he could get gigs in venues that he previously could not tap into. One of our first big gigs was Asta's in the Rincon Center, a lush retro 40's supper club named after the dog in a Fred and Ginger movie. We auditioned as was the norm in those day before CD's or websites. The gig paid $350 for piano, bass and piano plus dinner and drinks. My rent was $195 in those days and I was very poor and a student to boot. This was grand sum for both BJ and myself. I am sad to say that twenty years later gigs don't pay more and many pay less. Later when the venue upped the wages in order to add a drummer, BJ paid the drummer more than us, explaining, "A good band is only as good as its drummer and they have a lot of equipment to move so always take care of them FIRST. Pay them more."
We played fundraisers with Moses Dixon, the vibraphonist that busked on Market Street, art collectives in the Western Addition, the newly opened Cafe DuNord and a host of other venues in the pre-dot com landscape of San Francisco. I met and jammed with John Handy, Sony Simmons and Merle Saunders through BJ. And then one day, I'm not sure when, I outgrew BJ musically. I was getting calls from other piano players and better and better gig offers. But BJ didn't mind, he told me point blank, "You are great baby girl, and you are destined to be greater than me. You remind me a Billie, you are even the same height and built, I always knew you would leave the nest some day. They all do and that is way it is supposed to be. Just don't forget about your Papa and come back and sit in with me from time to time." Over the years I would do so and there would be a new crop and younger crop of musicians with him each year.
Fortunately, I was able to try and give back to BJ through Jazz at Pearl's by hiring him at what he thought was the best venue in the Bay Area and trying to help give him the recognition he deserved and providing a listening environment for his music. He is the hidden factory of Jazz in the Bay Area churning out new musicians every year tirelessly, supportively with an encouraging smile for free. There are many of us that graduated from the University of BJ, we never paid tuition but we received the best jazz education that can be had, on the bandstand and at the jam session.
He will never die because he lives in the music.
Bishop Norman Williams alto sax
David Ewell bass
Kim Nalley vocals
Thank you for you being you, and everything you taught everyone
-Keep jazz alive
-Sunday night audiences are always theee best (The Gathering Cafe)
-You can't have a good band without a great drummer
-Tonight we are joined by a great new talent, I would like to introduce you to...(quietly) what’s your name again?